Craftiness and singing rock songs

As I listened tonight to Moomin’s school choir singing “Mamma Mia”, “American Pie”, and “Do You Love Me (Now That I Can Dance)” very deer in the headlights and solemn, I wondered what strange choral adaptations of current pop songs will be popular 10 or 50 years from now. Maybe choirs of 3rd graders will be singing mashups and belting out “Upside Down and Dirty“. I’m just waiting for the “Smells Like Teen Spirit” xmas adaptation, maybe next year? Then it could be just like Eileen Gunn & Leslie What’s science fiction story about the psychic muties at Nirvana High.

Right at the end of Mamma Mia, a kid in the front row threw up explosively and very orangely. The show must go on! Thank god for small mercies… that he was in the front row and didn’t throw up all over someone else.


Meanwhile at Jo’s house I gathered up yarn and string and thread and craft things, origami paper, frame kits, without end. I thought of the string art, the popsicle sticks, yarn, the dioramas and boxes full of beads I used to make, the tubs full of scraps of fabric! There was so much of it, and so hard to keep in order. Jo’s daughter has gone beyond fooling around with the stuff and has actual skills, in quilting and origami and crocheting and knitting. I’m impressed with it!

As I sat there marvelling at it all, she came in the door and declared her goal for the next year or so is to try every kind of craft thing she doesn’t know how to do. I suggested decoupage… but she’s tried it. Maybe sanding and staining furniture would come in handy?

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